肖鹏飞, 倪何, 金家善

Sequential Prediction Method of Single Parameter for Thermal System Based on MWSA
XIAO Pengfei, NI He, JIN Jiashan
表3 各奇异值分量的最佳延迟时间、最佳嵌入维数和排列熵值
Tab.3 Optimal delay time, embedding dimension, and permutation entropy of each singular value component
奇异值分量 τopt mopt PE
P1 23 3 2.467 2
P2 12 2 0.975 2
P3 25 2 1.263 9
P4 18 2 1.212 7
P5 12 3 3.123 8
P6 9 3 2.972 9
P7 6 3 2.955 8
P8 6 4 4.709 8