吴怀娜, 冯东林, 刘源, 蓝淦洲, 陈仁朋

Anti-Uplift Portal Frame in Control of Underlying Tunnel Deformation Induced by Foundation Pit Excavation
WU Huaina, FENG Donglin, LIU Yuan, LAN Ganzhou, CHEN Renpeng
表1 主要土层物理参数
Tab.1 Physico-mechanical parameters of soil layers
土层 γ/(kN·m-3) e0 Es/MPa w/% kv/(m·d-1) c/kPa φ/(°)
素填土①1 17.5 1.89 1.88 67.5 0.2 10 16
填砂①2 19 - - 13.1 10 0 25
粗砂⑤2 20 - 2.66 13.5 10 0 30
砾质黏性土⑧ 17.7 1 9 33.3 0.08 23 23.5
全风化花岗岩⑨1 19.5 0.87 13 27.6 0.1 30 27.5