李登攀, 任晓明, 颜楠楠

Real-Time Detection of Insulator Drop String Based on UAV Aerial Photography
LI Dengpan, REN Xiaoming, YAN Nannan
表1 所有网络模型的测试结果汇总
Tab.1 Summary of test results of all network models
组别 网络模型 mAP(50%) t -/ms NRAM/MB 体积/MB
绝缘子整体 掉串故障位置 平均值
1 YOLOv5s 0.908 0.798 0.853 12.4 7.02 13.7
2 YOLOv5s+数据集扩充 0.927 0.861 0.894 12.5 7.02 13.7
3 YOLOv5s+数据集扩充+DIoU 0.939 0.862 0.901 12.5 7.02 13.7
4 YOLOv5s+数据集扩充+BiFPN 0.929 0.847 0.888 12.2 7.08 13.9
5 YOLOv5s+数据集扩充+ BiFPN +DIoU 0.945 0.868 0.907 12.7 7.08 13.9
6 YOLOv5s+数据集扩充+ BiFPN +
0.951 0.906 0.929 9.3 2.79 5.60