李建军, 朱文峰, 孙海涛, 李元辉, 王顺超

Method of Curing Deformation Prediction and Surface Reconstruction Compensation for Roller-Hemming Structures with Dissimilar Materials
LI Jianjun, ZHU Wenfeng, SUN Haitao, LI Yuanhui, WANG Shunchao
表1 折边胶的固化本构模型主要参数[19]
Tab.1 Main parameters of curing constitutive model of the hemming adhesive[19]
参数 取值 参数 取值
A/min-1 5.89×1010 b2/℃-1 0.01592
Ea/(KJ·mol-1) 91.62 c1/℃-1 0.0224
m' 0.61 s0/(℃·MPa-1) 3.34
n' 1.72 qgel 0.45
V0/(cm3·g-1) 0.8251 Tg/℃ 88~91
k1/℃-1 1.5×10-4 Gfinal/MPa 58.3
k2/℃-1 2.7×10-4 Kadh/[W·(m·℃)-1] 0.2
b1/MPa 428.1