宋深科, 夏立, 邹早建, 邹璐

A Numerical Study of Hydrodynamic Interactions Between a Large Cruise Ship and a Container Ship
SONG Shenke, XIA Li, ZOU Zaojian, ZOU Lu
表1 邮轮船模和KCS船模主要参数
Tab.1 Main parameters of cruise ship model and KCS ship model
参数 取值
邮轮 KCS
船长Lpp /m 5.742 4.600
船宽B/m 0.744 0.644
吃水T/m 0.165 0.216
船舶质量m/kg 534.928 416.240
方形系数CB 0.738 7 0.650 5
横摇惯性半径kxx/B 0.40 0.40
纵摇惯性半径kyy/Lpp 0.25 0.25
首摇惯性半径kzz/Lpp 0.25 0.25