闫青, 鲁建厦, 江伟光, 邵益平, 汤洪涛, 李英德

Path Optimization of Stacker in Compact Storage System with Dual-Port Layout
YAN Qing, LU Jiansha, JIANG Weiguang, SHAO Yiping, TANG Hongtao, LI Yingde
表5 仿真实验与模型计算结果对比
Tab.5 Comparison of the results of simulation experiment and model calculation
订单批次 出/入库作业总时间/s 误差率/%
仿真实验 本文模型
1 968.75 912.76 6.13
2 995.27 939.38 5.95
3 929.72 988.14 5.91
4 910.36 979.56 7.06
5 938.88 999.49 6.06
6 982.67 921.33 6.66
7 915.22 983.12 6.91
8 997.48 929.26 7.34
9 978.85 918.10 6.62
10 976.11 923.73 5.67
平均 959.33 949.49 6.43