贺雨欣, 张文光, 许李悦, 周旭晖

Design of a Grooved Cross-Section Silicon Needle for Assisting Deep Implantation of Flexible Neural Probe
HE Yuxin, ZHANG Wenguang, XU Liyue, ZHOU Xuhui
表1 不同截面厚度下的最佳性能参数
Tab.1 Optimum performance parameters for different section thicknesses
h1/μm a/μm b/μm h1/μm h2/μm P FT/mN FA/mN
30 30 40 30 10 4.14 9.2 9.0
40 25 50 40 10 7.66 19.4 18.9
50 20 60 50 10 12.37 32.5 31.8
60 15 70 60 10 18.42 46.2 45.9
70 15 70 70 10 25.30 71.7 70.0