杨博, 王俊婷, 俞磊, 曹璞璘, 束洪春, 余涛

Peafowl Optimization Algorithm Based Bi-Level Multi-Objective Optimal Allocation of Energy Storage Systems in Distribution Network
YANG Bo, WANG Junting, YU Lei, CAO Pulin, SHU Hongchun, YU Tao
表2 BESSs的相关参数[29]
Tab.2 Parameters of BESSs[29]
成本参数 数值
Cinv/(美元·台-1) 1×106
a/(美元·MW-1) 137×106
b/(美元·MW-1·h-1) 98×105, s.t. Crate=0.5C
190×106, s.t. Crate =C
373×106, s.t. Crate =2C
734×106, s.t. Crate =4C
λ/(美元·kW-1·h-1) 0.1
ρom/% 5
r/% 6.33
ηcha/% 95
ηdis/% 95
δ/% 1