曾海翔, 王平, SHROTRIYA Prashant, 姜霖松, MURUGESAN Meenatchidevi

Large Eddy Simulation of Partially Premixed Flame with Local Extinction Phenomenon
ZENG Haixiang, WANG Ping, SHROTRIYA Prashant, JIANG Linsong, MURUGESAN Meenatchidevi
表2 U103工况下值班火焰尾气中各组分质量分数、流速和温度信息
Tab.2 Mass fraction, flow rate, and temperature information of each components in the exhaust gas of pilot flame under U103 condition
参数 U103
w(N2) 0.719
w(CO2) 0.116
w(H2O) 0.117
w(O2) 0.019
w(CO) 0.029
Up/(m·s-1) 27.81
T/K 2081.1