王超, 刘正, 李兴, 汪春辉, 徐佩

Influence of Free-State Ice Size and Initial Position on Coupled Hydrodynamic Performance of Ice Propeller
WANG Chao, LIU Zheng, LI Xing, WANG Chunhui, XU Pei
表2 不同大小冰块对应的质量及惯性矩
Tab.2 Mass and moment of inertia corresponding to different sizes of ice
Hice/m m/kg Mxx/(kg·m2) Myy/(kg·m2) Mzz/(kg·m2)
0.050 0.675 7.03×10-4 1.83×10-3 1.41×10-3
0.075 2.280 5.34×10-3 1.39×10-2 4.11×10-2
0.100 5.400 2.25×10-2 5.85×10-2 4.50×10-2