何夏维, 蔡云泽, 严玲玲

A Combined Residual Detection Method of Reaction Wheel for Fault Detection
HE Xiawei, CAI Yunze, YAN Lingling
表4 故障检测方法性能分析
Tab.4 Performance analysis of fault detection method
故障 参数设置 SP/% Acc/%
F1 100 100
F2 99.17 99.59
F3 K3=1.32 79.05 88.12
F3 K3=1.35 82.58 90.13
F3 K3=1.43 98.31 98.68
F4 K4=0.83 80.18 88.32
F4 K4=0.79 98.39 98.80
F5 β5=0.21×10-3 88.48 88.48
F6 99.92 98.80