张帆, 杨德庆, 邱伟强

Design of Light Fireproof Enclosure Bulkheads Based on Topography Optimization for Cruise Ships
ZHANG Fan, YANG Deqing, QIU Weiqiang
表4 双设计域的优化结果
Tab.4 Optimization results of two design domains
序号 工艺约束 收敛性 H/mm SK/MPa SW/MPa F M/kg
OPT1 180 mm非设计域+buffer 80.00 69.15 151.50 4.21 343.50
OPT2 180 mm非设计域+buffer +sys 69.57 67.00 176.00 3.72 336.50
OPT3 180 mm非设计域+repetition 45.63 67.23 122.10 7.05 336.60
OPT4 30 mm非设计域+repetition 45.40 67.00 150.50 3.01 332.40
OPT5 90 mm非设计域+repetition 48.07 67.00 174.60 3.22 332.30
OPT6 30 mm非设计域+repetition+sys 36.98 67.16 124.00 6.04 335.40
OPT7 90 mm非设计域+repetition+sys 39.40 67.00 134.70 7.30 335.40
OPT8 180 mm非设计域+repetition+sys 43.34 67.08 163.90 3.15 331.80