Characteristics of Droplet Transmission in Buses in Different Air Supply Modes
通讯作者: 汪怡平,男,教授,博士生导师;E-mail:wangyiping@whut.edu.cn.
责任编辑: 孙伟
收稿日期: 2021-08-20
基金资助: |
Received: 2021-08-20
作者简介 About authors
In order to study the spread characteristics of virus droplets in the bus and predict the risk probability of airborne virus infecting passengers in the bus, a numerical model of the bus with the refrigeration and air conditioning on in summer is established based on the numerical simulation of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in combination with the Wells-Riley equation. Through the analysis of the characteristics of the flow field in the bus in combination with the Lagrangian method, the spread process of the droplets produced by the cough of the virus carrier in the bus is calculated. The infection risk of virus-carrying droplets to the passengers in the bus in the four ventilation mades is analyzed. It is found that the longitudinal airflow in the bus is a key factor affecting the spread of droplets. Compared with the asymmetrically arranged circular air outlets, the longitudinal airflow in the bus can be reduced by the use of slit-type air outlets. Only 6% of passengers have a higher than 5% probability of contracting diseases in the bus with displacement ventilation, which is more effective in reducing the risk of droplet-borne infection. The research results can provide guidance for the structural design of bus air supply systems and reduce the risk of droplet-borne infections.
陈志鑫, 汪怡平, 杨亚锋, 苏建军, 杨斌.
CHEN Zhixin, WANG Yiping, YANG Yafeng, SU Jianjun, YANG Bin.
近年来,通过空气传播的呼吸道传染疾病日益增多,例如结核病、严重急性呼吸系统综合征、禽流感、猪流感(H1N1)和新型冠状(以下简称新冠)病毒肺炎(COVID-19)等.2019年底爆发的新型冠状病毒及其变种至今仍在全球肆虐,已夺去数百万人的生命,疾病引发的疫情对公众健康和社会经济造成严重负担[1].呼吸道传染病病毒通常以人体呼出的飞沫为载体[2],在不同的室内环境中,这些携带病毒的飞沫会蒸发、悬浮在空气中,随后被人体吸入,从而产生潜在的感染风险.大客车作为人员密度高且封闭的空间,普遍存在通风不足问题,极易引发呼吸道传染疾病的传播.2020年1月湖南发生的一起在公共汽车内的疫情显示,在4 h的旅程中,45名乘客先后有8人被感染新冠病毒[3];2020年12月,在石家庄一辆承载40余人的大巴车中,包括司机在内的6人新冠病毒检测呈阳性[4].因此,有必要进一步深入研究大客车的气流组织形式及飞沫的扩散特性.
1 流场计算控制方程及感染预测方法
1.1 湍流模型
准确的预测室内气流组织是探究飞沫传播规律的前提.研究结果表明[10],对于封闭空间内气流组织的模拟,RNG k-ε湍流模型具有较高的精度.因此选取RNG k-ε湍流模型计算车内流场,表达式为
壁面对湍流流动有明显影响,沿着壁面的法向方向,湍流分为近壁面区和完全发展的核心区.RNG k-ε模型针对的是充分发展的湍流,对于近壁面区,本文选取标准壁面函数法,此时需引入无量纲距离,表达式为
1.2 颗粒轨道模型
式中:up为粒子速度;FD为空气与粒子相对滑动引起的曳力;u为空气流速; g(ρp-ρ)/ρp为重力项,g为重力加速度,ρp为粒子的密度;Fad为附加力项;μ为空气的动力黏度;dp为粒子直径;CD为曳力因数;Rep为颗粒雷诺数,Rep=(u-up)dp/μ.
1.3 Wells-Rily方程
式中:P为易感人员感染概率;I为感染者数量;q为感染者呼出病毒颗粒数量;p为易感染人员的呼吸流量;t'为总暴露时间;Q为通风装置供气速率;Ns为易感染人员吸入的病毒颗粒数量.假设所有乘客处于相对安静状态,参照文献[16]p为10 L/min,感染者每次咳嗽呼出飞沫中包含病毒颗粒数量q为10个.
式中:dl(t)为0至t0时间内某名乘客吸入病毒颗粒物总量;v(t)为乘客呼吸区域中的飞沫体积分数;f(t)为病毒的活性,通常取1;c为病毒在飞沫中的体积分数.通过仿真计算可以获取不同时刻乘客呼吸区域内飞沫颗粒物的数量,通过式(6)获取感染者在一次咳嗽过程中其他乘客吸入的病毒颗粒物数量.假设一次行程为3 h,感染者每小时咳嗽25次,通过叠加的方法获取整个行程中吸入的病毒颗粒物数量,代入式(6)可以计算得到各个位置的乘客感染概率.
2 车内流场计算设置
2.1 研究对象
2.2 数值求解设置
采用ANSYS Fluent软件进行模拟计算.假设感染者咳嗽发生前车内空气洁净,根据Agrawal等[18]的研究,一次咳嗽产生的飞沫颗粒物粒径范围为0.5~1000 μm,粒径大于50 μm的颗粒受重力影响会迅速沉降,较小的颗粒(0.5~10 μm)会在空气中长时间悬浮.在一次咳嗽中,4~8 μm的飞沫数量占比最高,故本文选择粒径为5 μm的飞沫为研究对象.设置飞沫质量流量为1.176×10-6 kg/s,密度为980 kg/m3,飞沫向下30° 喷射,飞沫的初始速度随时间变化曲线如图4所示[17],当t=0.08 s时,速度达到峰值9 m/s.仿真设定飞沫颗粒物一旦接触壁面或人体表面即发生沉降[19].4个模型设置保持送风流量一致,具体边界条件设置如表1所示,求解器设置如表2所示.
表1 边界条件设置
2.3 模型验证与网格划分
采用四面体非结构网格对大客车计算域进行离散,为消除网格尺寸对计算结果的影响,划分3种网格进行网格无关性验证,网格数量分别为400万、1100 万和 2000 万.发现 1100 万网格和 2000 万网格计算结果误差小于5%,故选用的网格数量为 1100 万,送风口网格尺寸为5 mm,人嘴鼻处尺寸为5 mm,人体和座椅处尺寸为20 mm,壁面尺寸为40 mm. 通过对壁面网格的细化,使y+处于20~130之间.
3 结果分析与讨论
3.1 稳态流场分析
A cross-sectional velocity distribution profile in front of passenger 7
客车Z=0.8 m处截面速度分布图
Cross-sectional velocity distribution profile of bus at Z=0.8 m
由图6可知,模型1采用上送上回的通风方式,空调送风口处有较强的向下气流,由于座椅和送风口的非对称布置,在过道中有一个向上的气流,此截面上大部分区域风速在0.2~0.3 m /s之间.由于模型2和模型3采用上送下回的通风方式,大部分空调的送风可以很快从乘客下方排出舱内,此截面上风速大部分在0.01~0.15 m/s, 模型3中气流在右侧乘客头部形成微弱的涡流.模型4采用置换通风,没有形成明显的涡流,气流可以快速排出客车.
3.2 车内飞沫扩散分析
模型1采用多排送风、集中回风的送风方式,如图8所示.因此当感染者位于客车内不同位置时,飞沫传播特性会有较大差异,分别截取5、20和40 s的飞沫扩散特征图,红色部分为5 μm的飞沫在空间上的位置状态.如图8(a)所示,在5 s时,7号乘客感染者咳嗽产生的飞沫主要聚集在感染者前方,飞沫随着气流向过道扩散,受车内纵向气流的影响,有向后排扩散的趋势. 在20 s时,飞沫向后移动,在客车前舱混合并扩散至回风口附近,随气流开始排出客舱.在40 s时,模型1中还剩10%的飞沫,分布在客车前7排.当23号乘客为感染者时,飞沫在回风口附近区域快速混合后从回风口排出,没有扩散至其他区域;当42号乘客为感染者时,咳嗽产生的飞沫主要分布在客舱后6排,在20 s时开始随气流排出客舱.
Side view of droplet diffusion from infected individual at different positions of Model 1
由于模型2、3和4的回风口均匀布置在乘客下方或者上方,不同位置的流场结构类似,故讨论7号乘客为感染者的飞沫扩散情况.如图9所示,在5 s时,咳嗽产生的飞沫主要聚集在感染者前方,飞沫随气流扩散,并有部分飞沫到达回风口附近,开始排出客车.
Side view of droplet diffusion of different models when passenger 7 is infected
在20 s时,模型2中的飞沫受向上和向后的微弱气流影响,扩散至感染者后两排.采用条缝型送风口的模型3和模型4中飞沫没有向后扩散,主要聚集在第2排附近.
在40 s时,模型2中还剩18%的飞沫,剩余飞沫主要分布在客车前6排.模型3中剩余飞沫聚集在前4排,还剩28%的飞沫.图6中模型2和模型3中大部分飞沫可以随着空调送风很快从乘客下方排出舱内,但是在过道中存在向上的气流,并形成很多明显的涡流,飞沫扩散后容易在过道上方附近聚集.模型2和模型3过道附近风速小于模型1,飞沫沉降和排出客舱的速度慢于模型1,故在40 s时模型2和模型3相较模型1剩余更多飞沫.模型4中仅剩5%的飞沫,且飞沫主要聚集在感染者周围,没有向左侧和后方扩散,表明置换通风一定程度上限制了飞沫在客舱内的扩散.
3.3 感染概率预测
Probability of infection of passengers in four air supply modes
4 结论
(1) 飞沫在舱内分布特性与感染者位置、回风口位置和气流组织等因素密切相关.当回风口与感染者距离较近时,病毒颗粒会很快从回风口逃逸到外界.
(2) 客车内的纵向气流是影响飞沫扩散的关键因素,当客车内存在强烈的纵向气流,会导致飞沫在客车内扩散,从而使更多乘客有被感染风险.研究发现,条缝型送风口相较于非对称布置的圆形送风口能够减少车内的纵向气流.
(3) 在4种送风方式中,置换通风能够最大限度减小客车内空气与飞沫的混合,减少飞沫与大部分乘客的接触,降低车内乘客被感染的风险.
Weekly epidemiological update on COVID-19-17 August 2021
[EB/OL]. (
Short-range airborne transmission of expiratory droplets between two people
[J]. ,DOI:10.1111/ina.12314 PMID:27287598 [本文引用: 1]
The occurrence of close proximity infection for many respiratory diseases is often cited as evidence of large droplet and/or close contact transmission. We explored interpersonal exposure of exhaled droplets and droplet nuclei of two standing thermal manikins as affected by distance, humidity, ventilation, and breathing mode. Under the specific set of conditions studied, we found a substantial increase in airborne exposure to droplet nuclei exhaled by the source manikin when a susceptible manikin is within about 1.5 m of the source manikin, referred to as the proximity effect. The threshold distance of about 1.5 m distinguishes the two basic transmission processes of droplets and droplet nuclei, that is, short-range modes and the long-range airborne route. The short-range modes include both the conventional large droplet route and the newly defined short-range airborne transmission. We thus reveal that transmission occurring in close proximity to the source patient includes both droplet-borne (large droplet) and short-range airborne routes, in addition to the direct deposition of large droplets on other body surfaces. The mechanisms of the droplet-borne and short-range airborne routes are different; their effective control methods also differ. Neither the current droplet precautions nor dilution ventilation prevents short-range airborne transmission, so new control methods are needed.© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in public transportation vehicles: A case study in Hunan Province, China
[J]. .DOI:10.1093/ofid/ofaa430 URL [本文引用: 2]
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Action track of new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in Shijiazhuang city
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On airborne virus transmission in elevators and confined spaces
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[J]. ,DOI:10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2020.02.023 [本文引用: 1]
为得出呼吸道病原体在飞机客舱内的传播特征,降低乘客的感染概率。首先,建立Boeing 737客舱仿真模型,利用Boeing 737试验舱和粒子图像测速法(PIV)验证客舱仿真模型的合理性;然后,基于客舱仿真模型与离散相模型(DPM)模拟患病乘客通过咳嗽和呼吸2种方式释放含有呼吸道病原体过程,得出呼吸道病原体的传播轨迹与速度;最后,基于Wells-Riley模型评估乘客的感染风险。结果表明:当传播时间达到200 s时,大部分呼吸道病原体的传播距离均在1 m以内;改变患病乘客的座位与飞机客舱的通风量,当患病乘客位于3号位置且客舱通风量为900 m<sup>3</sup>/h时,其余乘客感染风险概率下降至7.7%。
Transmission mechanism of respiratory pathogens in aircraft cabin and infection risk assessment
[J]. ,DOI:10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2020.02.023 [本文引用: 1]
In order to study transmission law of respiratory pathogens in aircraft cabin and to reduce infection risk of passengers, firstly, a simulation model of Boeing 737 cabin was established and validated by using Boeing 737 experimental cabin and PIV. Then, release process of respiratory pathogens through coughing and breathing of sick passengers was simulated based on the model and DPM (discrete phase model), from which pathogens' trajectory and velocity were obtained. Finally, infection risk of passengers was assessed with Wells-Riley model. The results show that when transmission time reaches 200 s, transmission distance between most respiratory pathogens is within 1 m. By changing seats of sick passengers and ventilation in aircraft cabin, infection risk of remaining passengers can be reduced, which is 7.7% when sick passenger is at position 3 and ventilation of aircraft cabin is 900 m<sup>3</sup>/h.
Transmission of pathogen-laden expiratory droplets in a coach bus
[J]. ,DOI:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.122609 URL [本文引用: 1]
Disease transmission through expiratory aerosols on an urban bus
[J]. ,DOI:10.1063/5.0037452 URL [本文引用: 1]
An advanced numerical model for the assessment of airborne transmission of influenza in bus microenvironments
[J]. ,DOI:10.1016/j.buildenv.2011.05.003 PMID:32288019 [本文引用: 2]
A CFD-based numerical model was integrated with the Wells Riley equation to numerically assess the risk of airborne influenza infection in a popular means of public transportation, e.g. the bus microenvironment. Three mixing ventilation methods, which are widely used in current bus configurations, and an alternative displacement ventilation method were numerically assessed in terms of their ability to limit the risk of airborne influenza infection. Furthermore, both the non air-recirculation and air-recirculation with filtration ventilation modes were investigated in terms of the influenza infection probability. According to the simulation results, air-recirculation mode with high efficiency filtration was found to cause almost the same infection risk as non air-recirculation mode (100% outdoor air supply), which indicated a potential benefit of filtration in reducing the infection risk. Additionally, for the commonly used mixing ventilation methods, air distribution method, location of return/exhaust opening and seat arrangement affected the airborne transmission of influenza between passengers. The displacement ventilation method was found to be more effective in limiting the risk of airborne infection. Overall, the developed numerical model can provide insights into how the micro-environmental conditions affect airborne infection transmission in buses. This numerical model can assist in developing effective control strategies related to airborne transmitted diseases for other frequently used public transportation systems, such as trains and airplanes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
Evaluation of various categories of turbulence models for predicting air distribution in an airliner cabin
[J]. ,DOI:10.1016/j.buildenv.2013.03.018 URL [本文引用: 1]
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Influence of Y+ on the calculation of submarine flow field characteristics of LES calculation accuracy
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A study of the dispersion of expiratory aerosols in unidirectional downward and ceiling-return type airflows using a multiphase approach
[J]. ,Dispersion characteristics of expiratory aerosols were investigated in an enclosure with two different idealized airflow patterns: the ceiling-return and the unidirectional downward. A multiphase numerical model, which was able to capture the polydispersity and evaporation features of the aerosols, was adopted. Experiments employing optical techniques were conducted in a chamber with downward airflow pattern to measure the dispersion of aerosols. Some of the numerical results were compared with the chamber measurement results. Reasonable agreement was found. Small aerosols (initial size <or=45 microm) had settling times of below 20 s in downward flow but increased to 32-80 s in ceiling-return flow. Lateral dispersion was limited to around 0.3 m in downward flow, in which only turbulent dispersion was significant. It increased to over 2 m in ceiling-return flow, which had a combination of both turbulant dispersion and bulk flow transport mechanisms. The significance of aerosol transport by bulk flow was about an order of magnitude stronger than that by turbulent dispersion. However, results also show that aerosols could be dispersed for considerable distances solely by turbulence if they were suspended longer. Large aerosols settled within very short time due to heavy gravitational effects. The results provided new insights in designing proper bed spacing in hospital ward environments. This study shows that transport by bulk airflow stream was the major dispersion mechanism of expiratory aerosols in ventilated indoor environments. Dispersion by turbulence was about an order of magnitude less than that by bulk flow transport but considerable distance could be achieved by turbulent dispersion with long enough settling time. It was demonstrated that the dispersion of expiratory aerosol could be controlled by manipulating the ventilation airflow patterns in indoor environments.
Airborne spread of measles in a suburban elementary school
[J]. ,A measles epidemic in a modern suburban elementary school in upstate New York in spring, 1974, is analyzed in terms of a model which provides a basis for apportioning the chance of infection from classmates sharing the same home room, from airborne organisms recirculated by the ventilating system, and from exposure in school buses. The epidemic was notable because of its explosive nature and its occurrence in a school where 97% of the children had been vaccinated. Many had been vaccinated at less than one year of age. The index case was a girl in second grade who produced 28 secondary cases in 14 different classrooms. Organisms recirculated by the ventilating system were strongly implicated. After two subsequent generations, 60 children had been infected, and the epidemic subsided. From estimates of major physical and biologic factors, it was possible to calculate that the index case produced approximately 93 units of airborne infection (quanta) per minute. The epidemic pattern suggested that the secondaries were less infectious by an order of magnitude. The exceptional infectiousness of the index case, inadequate immunization of many of the children, and the high percentage of air recirculated throughout the school, are believed to account for the extent and sharpness of the outbreak.
Review and comparison between the Wells-Riley and dose-response approaches to risk assessment of infectious respiratory diseases
[J]. ,DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0668.2009.00621.x PMID:19874402 [本文引用: 1]
Infection risk assessment is very useful in understanding the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases and in predicting the risk of these diseases to the public. Quantitative infection risk assessment can provide quantitative analysis of disease transmission and the effectiveness of infection control measures. The Wells-Riley model has been extensively used for quantitative infection risk assessment of respiratory infectious diseases in indoor premises. Some newer studies have also proposed the use of dose-response models for such purpose. This study reviews and compares these two approaches to infection risk assessment of respiratory infectious diseases. The Wells-Riley model allows quick assessment and does not require interspecies extrapolation of infectivity. Dose-response models can consider other disease transmission routes in addition to airborne route and can calculate the infectious source strength of an outbreak in terms of the quantity of the pathogen rather than a hypothetical unit. Spatial distribution of airborne pathogens is one of the most important factors in infection risk assessment of respiratory disease. Respiratory deposition of aerosol induces heterogeneous infectivity of intake pathogens and randomness on the intake dose, which are not being well accounted for in current risk models. Some suggestions for further development of the risk assessment models are proposed.This review article summarizes the strengths and limitations of the Wells-Riley and the dose-response models for risk assessment of respiratory diseases. Even with many efforts by various investigators to develop and modify the risk assessment models, some limitations still persist. This review serves as a reference for further development of infection risk assessment models of respiratory diseases. The Wells-Riley model and dose-response model offer specific advantages. Risk assessors can select the approach that is suitable to their particular conditions to perform risk assessment.
Reducing chances of COVID-19 infection by a cough cloud in a closed space
[J]. ,DOI:10.1063/5.0029186 URL [本文引用: 1]
[J]. ,
Transmission of COVID-19 viral particles and the risk of infection among passengers in air-conditioned buses
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[J]. ,
Optimization of vehicle air-conditioning grilles and the improvement of passenger thermal comfort
[J]. ,
Evaporation and dispersion of respiratory droplets from coughing
[J]. ,DOI:10.1111/ina.12297 PMID:26945674 [本文引用: 2]
Understanding how respiratory droplets become droplet nuclei and their dispersion is essential for understanding the mechanisms and control of disease transmission via droplet-borne and airborne routes. A theoretical model was developed to estimate the size of droplet nuclei and their dispersion as a function of the ambient humidity and droplet composition. The model-predicted dried droplet nuclei size was 32% of the original diameter, which agrees with the maximum residue size in the classic study by Duguid, 1946, Edinburg Med. J., 52, 335 and the validation experiment in this study, but is smaller than the 50% size predicted by Nicas et al., 2005, J. Occup. Environ. Hyg., 2, 143. The droplet nuclei size at a relative humidity of 90% (25°C) could be 30% larger than the size of the same droplet at a relative humidity of less than 67.3% (25°C). The trajectories of respiratory droplets in a cough jet are significantly affected by turbulence, which promotes the wide dispersion of droplets. We found that medium-sized droplets (e.g., 60 μm) are more influenced by humidity than are smaller and larger droplets, while large droplets (≥100 μm), whose travel is less influenced by humidity, quickly settle out of the jet.© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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